Favorite Journal Entries #2

 1) 12-9-20

If I could interview one person it would be one of my biggest idols and that would be Robert Irwin son of the famous Steve Irwin a.k.a The Crocodile Hunter. I would choose Robert Irwin because like me he is a huge animal lover but also because of how close we are in age. I would ask him what was one of the greatest thing his father told him. I would ask him what was one of the most memorable moments in his life. I would ask him how his life is working and owning a zoo. My final question would be what is his favorite animal. 


My relationship with myself is what influences me more than relationship with others because besides family my relationship with other people hasn't always been the best people would always use me and talk behind my back. Then I decided to just stay true to myself and focus on my life and that has help me grow as a person. 


Something I did this weekend that made me feel better was visiting a ranch with my cousin and getting to meet her horse. It felt nice to leave the city and be in nature. 


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