
Final reflection essay

 This has been an interesting semester. Something that has made this course different from any others that i have taken is that instead of using canvas we used blogs to learn I have even created my own blog and that is something I have never done before in a course till this one. Looking back at our experience the most meaningful thing is probably the journal topics, some questions have really left them thinking and see how much I have grown as a person. The work I am most proud of is the essay I have done for "The right to your opinion" I felt like I created a good essay and showed my thoughts about that story. Something I wish I could have done better is put more effort into the work I have done for this class, many of it has come out ok but I know I can do better. Something I learned in this course that can be used for the future is getting better and improving at online learning and having a better understanding at technology. A text that I have read this semester is a st

Favorite Journal Entries #2

 1) 12-9-20 If I could interview one person it would be one of my biggest idols and that would be Robert Irwin son of the famous Steve Irwin a.k.a The Crocodile Hunter. I would choose Robert Irwin because like me he is a huge animal lover but also because of how close we are in age. I would ask him what was one of the greatest thing his father told him. I would ask him what was one of the most memorable moments in his life. I would ask him how his life is working and owning a zoo. My final question would be what is his favorite animal.  2)12-1-20 My relationship with myself is what influences me more than relationship with others because besides family my relationship with other people hasn't always been the best people would always use me and talk behind my back. Then I decided to just stay true to myself and focus on my life and that has help me grow as a person.  3)9-28-20 Something I did this weekend that made me feel better was visiting a ranch with my cousin and getting to me

Favorite Journal Entries

 1) November 12: Something that I am truly thankful for are animals. I am thankful for animals because they have shown me how big and amazing the world is how each of them has adapted to different lifestyles and how they all depend on each other. Animals have also shown me how different their lives are from humans they don't use violence, aren't ruled by terrible people, don't have to worry about money and that showed me how the world isn't just about humans, animals live here to. Another reason I am grateful for animals because they have been my best friends ranging from my chickens to my rabbit to my guinea pig to my parrots they all mean so much to me and have been their for me so that is something that I am thankful for.  2)November 17: Planning for an emergency requires a lot of thinking so the way I plan for an emergency if first I gather as much information of what the emergency can be weather that'd be a natural disaster or illness, I then gather the materia

Journal #3

 9/23/20 If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, the tree still makes sound. The tree makes sound because although no one is their to hear it different noises are made such as branches breaking or leaves crunching the only difference is that no one heard it. Sound is made because the weight of the tree falls onto the ground and the only way humans can hear it is if they are near it. 

Journal #2

10/9/20  A person who is important to me is famous primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall. Something that I think is very important of her is what she did when she was younger, she went to the rainforests of Africa to study our closest relatives the chimpanzees. Jane Goodall made incredible discovery's about these animals she learned how just like humans they have emotions they feel joy and grief. She learned that they are intelligent using tools just like humans do, and learned how they are endangered. Dr. Jane Goodall worked hard to protect chimpanzees and their home and by doing so not only did she protect the chimps but hundreds of other species that share the same environment as them. 

Journal #1

 10/7/20 If I was sitting at home and saw a big spider crawling across the floor I would first try to identify the species to find out if it is venomous or not, its natural habitat or environment and its status (least concerned, vulnerable or endangered). Instead of killing it I would simply take it outside because being an animal lover it isn't fair to just kill an animal  when it obviously cant defend it self and this animal is most likely scared more of me than I am of it. I need to consider that this is a living being. 

MMA Part 2

 1) The difference between a sign and a symbol is a symbol is usually a image whether it can be a animal, plant, religion or object a sign usually has words or letters, most signs are to warn someone. Symbols usually tend have a deeper meaning or message while a sign is usually just an indicator for something.  2)The three elements are symbol, referent and us.  3)I would describe a word as a sign rather then a symbol.  4)A sign I have seen is the stop sign.  5)One symbol I have seen in the world is the recycle symbol. This symbol stands for recycling or reusing common items such as water bottles and paper. I new what this sign meant because it has little arrows that point towards each other and go in a circle shape meaning to reuses.