Hello and welcome to my vlog.
Favorite Journal Entries
1) November 12: Something that I am truly thankful for are animals. I am thankful for animals because they have shown me how big and amazing the world is how each of them has adapted to different lifestyles and how they all depend on each other. Animals have also shown me how different their lives are from humans they don't use violence, aren't ruled by terrible people, don't have to worry about money and that showed me how the world isn't just about humans, animals live here to. Another reason I am grateful for animals because they have been my best friends ranging from my chickens to my rabbit to my guinea pig to my parrots they all mean so much to me and have been their for me so that is something that I am thankful for. 2)November 17: Planning for an emergency requires a lot of thinking so the way I plan for an emergency if first I gather as much information of what the emergency can be weather that'd be a natural disaster or illness, I then gather the materia...
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